
Who we are

GreenNode - One stop solution for your AI journey

From Infrastructure to Platform that serve your Enterprise AI needs. Bring Enterprises closer to AI mainstream workload with uncompromising performance of NVIDIA's powerhouse.

At GreenNode, we are dedicated to supporting enterprises in meeting their AI ambitions and timelines, providing top-notch support every step of the way. Join us as we elevate your AI experience and propel your business into the future.


[GreenNode] /nA Partner of NVIDIA

By being an Partner of NVIDIA, GreenNode solidifies the position as a trusted and forward-thinking cloud provider in the AI/ML ecosystem. 

[GreenNode] /nMember of VNG Digital Business

A member of the leading tech firm in with a diverse ecosystem of products serving the needs of 100M+ customers and thousands of Enterprises in Vietnam and globally.


What we offer

Pre-Configured Flavours

Enhance the efficiency of any GPU-accelerated task using preconfigured options or tailor custom configurations to meet your specific requirements.

Quick Deployment

Deploy GPU instances based on containers, launching within seconds, using both public and private repositories.

Top-Notch API

Top-notch API (CLI, GraphQL) to streamline your workflow and instantly provision GPUs.

Managed Kubernetes

Managed Kubernetes containers deliver high performance without infrastructure hassles. Enjoy rapid instance provisioning and responsive auto-scaling across thousands of GPUs.

Enterprise Grade

Enterprises can access the AI frameworks and tools necessary for building GPU-accelerated workflows, including AI chatbots, recommendation engines, vision AI, and more.

Premium Storage

Fault-tolerant cloud storage with triple replication. You can easily adjust volumes for optimized IOPS and superior performance.

Optimised Networking

Easily scale your network for HPC workloads with routing, switching, firewalling, and load-balancing, all without egress charges.


[Why] GreenNode?


[Digital Footprint across] |Southeast Asia

Our top-tier data centers are located across SEA countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia.